Headline Legal News: LA's Taco Turf Wars. Aaron Sonderleiter, Chris Rutherford and Erin Glenn, organizers with Save Our Taco Trucks (www.saveourtacotrucks.org), and Antonio and Ruby Luna, taco truck vendors, talk about new restrictions by the L.A. Board of Supervisors that could effectively eliminate taco trucks from our streets. Under the proposed new rules, taco trucks will have to change location every hour, or face a misdemeanor charge carrying a $1,000 fine and/or jail. Though this ordinance currently affects just unincorporated parts of L.A., it covers 65% of the County. Most citizens want to save the city's taco trucks, because these local icons are a special facet of Los Angeles and a cultural tradition many people enjoy.
You can learn more about Save Our Taco Trucks by visiting www.saveourtacotrucks.org.
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