Lawyers You Love to Hate. Gary addresses the incredible difficulties lawyers find themselves in when they commit legal malpractice. He points out that malpractice occurs when a lawyer fails to render competent professional service to a client and the client is damages as a result of the failure. The three major theories of liability are negligence, breach of fiduciary duty, and breach of contract. To prove malpractice, you must prove that your lawyer owed you a duty to represent you competently, that he or she made a mistake or otherwise breached the duty owed to you, and that your lawyer's mistake harmed you, causing you damages. Additionally, you must file your lawsuit within the statutory time period or "statute of limitations" established by state law for legal malpractice claims.
Gary has focused his practice for over twenty-eight years in professional liability & ethics litigation expanding more recently into gaming law. He has represented Chicago area lawyers and their firms before the federal and Illinois courts, and the Illinois Attorney Registration & Disciplinary Commission. He has represented a gaming company for various licensing and regulatory matters before state gaming commissions and the National Indian Gaming Commission (NIGC). As a litigator for over 28 years, Gary has handled a wide range of civil cases concerning physicians, attorneys, and serious permanent injuries. He has tried jury cases in the state and federal courts of Illinois and participated in numerous mediations. Gary has defended doctors and Chicago area hospitals, including Cook County Hospital (now Stroger Hospital), Northwestern and Childrens Memorial Hospitals.
The attorneys of Grasso, Bass & Williams started their law firm in 2006 to provide legal services drawing from their wide backgrounds. Several attorneys are experienced in lobbying at the state and local level, as well as providing consulting in public service, employment relations, and legal ethics.
Featured guest
Gary Grasso: Attorney
Grasso, Bass & Williams, P.C
Tel: 630-654-4500
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